April 2: 2012: A Shawl for Me!

Last fall while winding wool for make Christmas gifts, I had a hank that refused to wind nicely. No matter what I tried it was unwinding as a tangled mess.  It was lovely yarn but I could tell it would take hours to wind it correctly.  I asked my amazing knitting friend Lois if she wanted to deal with it. She knits shawls amazingly quickly.    She said yes, but it took us a few months to hook up. She didn’t receive the yarn until January or even February.


Imagine my surprise and delight when at our next knit out she presented me with the yarn knit up as this lovely shawl.  A bunch of them worked together to untangle the yarn before she knit it.  Working together it took almost two hours to get it wound correctly.


 Neither of these pictures do it justice. The yarn has tiny metallic flecks which sounds ugly but is really quite lovely because they are so subtle.
The shawl is light and soft and warm. Every time I wear it I smile and feel loved.

March 29m 2012: Ella Helps Me File Medical Claims

A few weekends ago I spent a day trying to sort out and file our medical claims.  I had no sooner sorted the receipts into piles by date and person than Ella scampered over to assist me.


 Attentive observers will note our thorough cat made certain to lay on each pile in turn.



Neither pats nor nice words deterred her from her self-appointed duty.


I feel so sorry for the rest of you trying to file claims without such assistance.


Waving in Yokohama

Waving, Not Drowning calls for gingering weight. Since Cascade fixation is sport weight and has elastic I started with 56 stitches. The stitch pattern is quite elastic so the sock was too large. Furthermore, the colors were not lining up well.

Tried again casting on 48 stitches and that is the sweet spot. The pattern works better on two circa than it did at 56 stitches. The yarn stripes at this size rather than flashes. Size is very similar to a medium sized sock in fingering weight.

Very fast knit. Knit cuff, leg, heel, heel turn and gusset in one long day. I started on way to airport knit through the two hours on tarmac during the engine check and then flight to Tokyo, bus ride to YCAT. Very satisfying to have something to show for the day.

Knit a bit during the conference today as well.



When we arrived home from work we were petting the cats while they did their best to convince us to feed them tuna. I think everyone was surprised when Ella jumped into the coffee table despite Batu already being up there. I do not know if Ella knew she was there. In any case, Ella stayed there looking very submissive. Batu stayed nearly frozen until Rlla jumped down. Through it all we told them how wonderful they both were.

